CJM template: banking for people

2 min readDec 9, 2020


How many times per month do you interact with your bank? And what experience do you have with it each time? In the banking industry, where CX has turned into a competitive advantage, some banks still fail to deliver the experience we expect. A long queue in a branch near home, a buggy mobile banking app, contracts written for bankers or accountants, not ordinary people — these and other issues can ruin your experience with a bank.

To help banks better understand their clients and start delivering the experience they are looking for, we created the Banking for People CJM template.

Our template includes both a client persona and a journey map that visualizes the whole journey of the persona.

The template is built around a working mom Aline who rushes to the bank after work together with her kids to get a loan. We described all the steps Aline takes, her expectations, goals, and emotional experience to help you get a deeper understanding of what bank clients go through.

This template will help you get a view of the customer service processes from the client perspective, identify customer experience gaps, and discover opportunities for improvement at all stages of their journeys.

Ready to take individual client journeys in your bank to the next level?


P.S. Need a banking journey template for business? Find it here.

Originally published at https://uxpressia.com on December 9, 2020.




UXPressia is a user experience platform that allows you to create, export, and share customer journey maps, personas, and impact maps online.